Tag Archives: symbols

The Esoteric Alphabet – Introduction part 14

The unconscious mind is that part of you that is a reservoir of all the experiences acquired throughout your lifetime. Your experience, learning, manner (drives, motivations, needs) for interacting with your world, and your automatic functioning in countless behaviours each day, are all evidence of unconscious functions. The unconscious mind is, in contrast to the conscious mind, not as rigid, analytical, and, most importantly limited. It responds to experiential communications, is capable of symbolic interpretation, and tends to be more global in view.
– P. Brown, The Hypnotic Brain. New Haven, CT; Yale University Press, 1991
R. Ornstein, The evolution of consciousness. New York, Prentice Hall, 1991
Both referenced in Essentials of Hypnosis, Michael D. Yapko, PhD. Brunner/Mazel, Philadelphia, USA
Holy Mind Games
The alphabet letters and its sequence are a brilliant though surreptitious representation of Genesis. Although we have always been told that Genesis describes the true creation of humankind and its companions, it is essentially a collection of ancient stories that were told around long spent fires to explain consciousness, the cosmos and how a race arrived from the stars. Much of the rest of the Old Testament expands on the same story. It has been a dreadful yet for them a highly successful operation in exercising almost total subjugation of the human spirit and a fundamental catalyst for countless atrocities.
The alphabet’s symbolism, like the Bible, works on many levels incorporating several stories. Its intricate pattern has to start somewhere though, and as with any code, there is a key. I discovered the esoteric nature of its forms when I realised the template they used to construct the letter and number shapes. I call this the Realms of Existence. Then I discovered that the alphabet was really two alphabets: one with small letters and the other with capital letters. This came about when I noticed that enigmatic, Freemasonic, capital G equated to its equally sacred number, 33. Number 33 in a secret sense is cryptic, enigmatic and covert; it denotes secrecy and hidden messages in conventional ideas and form. It also indicates dual systems of expression: two minds – two alphabets. 33 is the trickster, the cup and nut shuffler and the illusionist.

The Blue Degrees are but the outer court or portico of the Temple. Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry… It is well enough for the mass of those called Masons, to imagine that all is contained in the Blue Degrees; and whoso attempts to undeceive them will labour in vain, and without any true reward violate his obligations as an Adept.
~ 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike
Every culture’s writing symbols are infused with the thoughts and motivations of their designers. Where our alphabet differs is that what the Church displays through its letterforms clearly disputes its teachings. That is a very serious matter when one considers the devastation they have wrought to gain their wealth and authority. People seem to dismiss very lightly the Church’s un-Christian history. Their supporters point to their wonderful missionary works. Under the cover of doing good, they have imposed their will on people who have not asked for it. The Christian (Roman) Church is only one arm of a monstrous octopus and every enforced religion can share the blame for the state our precious world is in. They have all created distorted minds through their subversive practices. If they had not caused mayhem in the first place, we would not need humanitarian agencies – but they too are significant collusive or unwitting agents of the Darkness’ agenda anyway.
The Real Adam and Eve
Contrary to indoctrination, there are six main characters in the Genesis story not four, God, LORD God (1 and 2), Adam, Eve, and the Serpent. The story fed to humanity for thousands of years is that Genesis tells us God knocked up everything in 7 days including a witless man called Adam a harlot called Eve and a despicable creature called the serpent. It is because of what occurred between the three of them that we are doomed to everlasting penitence.


Continue to part 15

The Esoteric Alphabet – Introduction part 2

Roman Lesions and the March on our Minds

One letter style would come to dominate the world’s mass communications in all matters: the Roman style.

Latin did not always use capital letters. During the reign of Emperor Constantine (312-337CE) a smaller and more quickly written form called uncials gained favour for everyday use. (The Greeks had been using a similar system since about 3BCE.)

Circa 600CE Church missionaries short-measured us again when they introduced the Roman half uncial to Britain. These were modified and used as the Irish half uncial to write the “Book of Kells” on the sacred Isle of Iona.
A slight variation, called the English half uncial, became a favourite in the north of England, notably in Lindisfarne (Holy Island), where it charmed the script for the “Lindisfarne Gospels”. These were both constructed for in-house use and based on the same principles of design.

In 754, a right handy document to the Shadow forces of the Darkness popped up: the ‘Donation of Constantine’, supposedly dating from Constantine’s propitious conversion to Christianity in 312. Although it has since been decried as a crock the DC enabled the Pope to swan around in Constantine’s symbols and regalia (so subliminally hold his power). The Donation served its purpose and the Dark agenda moved inexorably onwards.

On the heels of the conjured ‘Document of Constantine’ the Roman Catholic Church introduced yet another script style. This one involved another key player in the Roman Church, Charlemagne (768-814), King of the Franks – earnestly.

In 789 Charlemagne brought an English monk, called Alcium of York, to Reims, where the Carolingian Miniscule script emerged. (My source pronounced it ‘Alcium’ but you’ll find him as Alcuin’: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alcuin) It was Alcium who developed punctuation marks (commas – COMAS etc) and first created the writing system we use today, making the first letter in a SENTENCE a capital, with the smaller letters following in a string. Charlemagne ordered the Carolignian script to be used throughout the Holy Roman Empire.

Alcium established a college under Charlemagne, well not literally under him – where unwitting minds were overshadowed and trained to expand the Dark cause.

I am quite intrigued with old Alcium’s name. There seems to have been two possibilities for its origin. The first one was a Jewish High Priest during the Maccabean revolt in Judea, 2nd century BCE, who executed 60 scoundrels who had the cheek to heckle him. The other concerns a pair of transvestite gods called the Alci. There is not much known about them, but what we do know is passed down to us by the 1st century Roman historian Tacitus who got wind of their story in Germany. Tacitus reckoned that the Alci twins were a version of the Roman gods Castor and Pollux – I said Pollux. These are another version of the twins of the Zodiac – Gemini – whose planet is Mercury, the governor of writing, the mind, and intellectual matters – and a snitch. Seems rather coincidental to me. Perhaps Alcium’s name was really Albert Shuffleyabum-Sideways, but he thought that Alcium had more of a certain je ne sais quoi to it.

eyeAlthough at first there were some books produced with calligraphic print in England, the Roman style became the overwhelming favourite after it was introduced by John Day in 1572. Printing presses sprung up (and down) all over the country but they became concentrated in London and of course the premier hub of the Dark agenda’s programming system, Oxford.

With the introduction of the printing press into Blighty during the late 1400s, the pace forged ahead. King James VI of Scotland, a Freemason, married the thrones of Scotland and England when he was crowned James I in 1603. In 1611, (Oxford’s) Wadham College’s Invisible College set loose the ‘Authorised King James Bible’, but it must have been translated (and modified) long before. Come 1627, their master encryptor and translator, Francis Bacon, was egging up the concept of a world university and obsequiously being used to gather useful kids to (as it turned out) put through their indoctrination schemes, when he published his work, ‘The New Atlantis’. Not long after this the press gang’s mass media would begin to come into its own.

Continue to part 3

The Esoteric Alphabet – Introduction

It’s 16 pages but it’s only the introduction…to The Esoteric Alphabet.


Were letter symbols really originated solely to accommodate varieties in the expression of sounds?

The Esoteric Alphabet. Monk at writing desk.If not, then what is the real meaning behind the letter shapes we use and what story do  they and their sequence tell? Could their design and meter carry an underlying message?

Who was it that designed the English alphabet and its letters? Who was it who added and subtracted its letters and what was the purpose?

Image credit: www.fromoldbooks.org

Why do virtually all newspapers, the Bible and other major mechanisms of mass communication and control use the Roman style and close variations of it?

The alphabet has not always contained the same letters or followed the same sequence. Until much later in letter development, the small letters were virtually ignored. Many styles were tried.


All letters are ideograms, pictorial representations suggesting an idea. As with all written symbols, they are constructed from the egg (the dot) and the serpent (the line).

About 6,500 years ago the inhabitants of present-day Transylvania in Central Europe (part of present day Romania) were using impressed clay tablets to record their thoughts. These discoveries somehow escaped the censors and were published in the Scientific American, in May 1968. They bear extraordinary relationship to the discoveries made earlier in Mesopotamia, however the establishment set its mortar boards at Mesopotamia for the cradle of civilisation, so it is to the environs of Iraq that they resolutely chivvy their stew-eaters’ minds.


About 5,500 years ago, the people of Sumer in Mesopotamia were chiselling out vertically inscribed, pictorial messages in stone. Later they adopted and developed the use of cuneiform impressions made in soft clay and then baked. They clearly were not stupid and to believe conventional direction that they thrashed about at a heavy lump of rock for days on end to write a shopping list is bizarre. They used blood, dyes, and even just scratches on dried plants and skins, to send immediate messages. The Mason’s words, however, were intended to last and they were buried, or hidden, for exactly the same reason. That they devoted such attention to their writing means that they considered their content to be of significant importance for the generations who would eventually find them.

By 2100BCE, Egypt had adopted cuneiform and developed this into hieroglyphs, which they scribbled everywhere it seems, except the Great Pyramid. Our present-day ‘English’ alphabet derived first through Hellenic and later, Roman, sources.

According to ancient Greek historians, a Phoenician cad called Kadmus, left them holding a 22-letter alphabet which was in the same order as Hebrew. Later the poet Simonides of Ceos, increased the characters to 26.

This system ran from right to left but later it was rebounded to run from left to right. The Greeks also experimented with the Boustrophedonic system – whereby they alternated the directions of the lines – a name which means turning like an ox, and is an allusion to Venus, the Pleiades and Taurus, as we shall find out later.

From the very beginning, the Ancients had recognised the beguiling powers of letters. They hallowed them as privileged gifts from the god of writing and were the exclusive instruments of only a select few.

In the 7th century BCE, King Ashurbanipal of Nineveh learnt how to write, and he tells us:

“The god of scribes has bestowed on me the gift of the knowledge of his art.
I have been initiated into the secrets of writing. I can even read the intricate tablets
in Shumerian. I understand the enigmatic words in stone carvings from the days before the flood.”

– Zechariah Sitchin,
The 12th Planet,
Avon Books, New York

Continue to part 2

Slow down…and laugh

mmanddemons300x397This striking illustration from IN THESE SIGNS CONQUER, I have called Mary Magdalene and the Demons. It is an image that I have mirrored, of a 15th century painting of Mary Magdalen, by Francesco de’ Franceschi, that I came across when visiting Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum. Originally, the museum says, it was an altar-piece, possibly from a church in either Padua or Venice. The actual painting is the left side image.




Excerpt from pages 36 and 37

All sorts of fads, fashions and baubles are offered to us: music, films, books, clothes, diets, cosmetic surgery, and technology in exchange for the real wealth every human being came into this realm with. We are told that we must be hip, fashionable, thinner, perfectly formed and intellectually with it all of the time. People spend huge amounts of time, energy and money attempting to stay on the ride as it hurtles around faster and faster. It’s laughable really because the trick is to slow down and get off. Human bodies are physical manifestations of mental energy. Your inner self will always be mirrored on your outer self. Human bodies wear out through constant physical, conscious and emotional mental exertion so obviously surely the very best way to slow down the ageing process is to daydream, contemplate and meditate to give your physical apparatus a rest. At the same time this will allow your essential self to come to the fore. Your unconscious mind where your true wisdom rests will relish the challenge and inevitably your truth will emerge. For readers who would like to give it a go there is a meditation at the end of this book.

Our unconscious minds, as has been said already, naturally process information using symbols. The Darkness has employed this proclivity to enslave us since it first cast its cowl. We are constantly beset and belayed by its never-ending hordes of signs and symbols. This does not have to continue. We can re-educate out conscious minds to recognise the true meanings and motivations of its symbols; because we can do anything! By turning their signs around to face its own troops we can become our own masters and not its slaves. By their own signs we can conquer them.

Laughing is good for you… and them

51rZ721MBsL._SL250_Anyone with their eyes open can see that a ferocious hurricane bears down upon us. It is the same one that tore into our forbears during the middle ages. It was this Darkness that was met by the angels of light like Francis Bacon, Galileo and other courageous souls who battled monsters toe to toe leaving us a legacy we are only just about mature enough to recognise once again. No one is perfect, they weren’t, and we are not supposed to be. Who wants to live on a cloud playing a harp all bloody day long? Where’s the fun in that? We need fun; laughter is light. Jokes are the realisations and expositions of imperfections. If there weren’t any what a miserable ordeal life would be. You can keep your Nirvanas and all-day-long beatific smiling. Give me someone doing something daft any day. Even if that someone is me. Laugh at me laugh with me, who gives a toss? It’s good to laugh and it is a great leveller. Humour spots an overblown and precious ego from a mile away. It also turns the sharp spotlight on the commentators as well as their supporters. If you want to laugh at something then bloody-well laugh at it, and don’t feel guilty. If some conceited clot gets up spouting porkies or heads for the broom-cupboard rather than the door (like Dubya did) laugh at it (you know you want to). It isn’t impolite it’s hilarious and it exposed his true mental state – He was looking for the Darkness. There is a message in everything. If every time one of these balloons got a good laughing at rather than silence and deference they’d get over themselves; and we’d get over them. It is the right thing to do; it serves them right – get it? You can realise a lot from freeing your sense of humour; fly don’t cower and crawl. We are students and teachers at the same time. Shine your light – even if it is into a broom-cupboard.

It is not my desire to live or to reign longer than my life and my reign shall be for your good.
~ Queen Elisabeth to her Parliament 1601

Thank goodness for that! But what ever did she mean by:

‘to live or to reign longer than my life’


Well, here’s an original photo I took of the paintingmmanddemonsash200x267
at the Ashmolean.
You might be surprised that it has garnered such very
little attention; but there you go. I’m used to it.

Ellis Taylor 2006

To find out more about my book, In These Signs Conquer, please click here