The Esoteric Alphabet – Introduction part 10

  • RFK. Sirhan Sirhan means ‘wandering wolf’, the beast that is said to swallow the moon or the sun during an eclipse – when the head is removed. Bobby Kennedy was shot in the kitchen (mess) of the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles. An ambassador, of course is the highest representative (messenger) of a HEAD of state.  Angeles also means messengers of course. Numerologically Robert Kennedy was a 16 by name and died on a 666 date – 6th June, 1968.
Do you think there might have been a message in here? I do.
Less than a year after his brother had been sacrificed Robert Kennedy speaking at the Democratic Party Convention in Los Angeles in a tribute to JFK quoted this from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet:
“…and when [he] shall die
Take him and cut him out in little stars,
And he will make the face of heaven so fine
That all the world will be in love with night
And pay no worship to the garish sun.”

Do you think there might have been a message in that too? I do.
Among the remarkable souls who incarnated among us in the 20th century were John, Robert and Michael (Michael was to become Martin at age 5). All three of them had a mission to change the world – this is written large in their numbers and in their own ways they succeeded to an extent. The most powerful among them, yet the least acknowledged, was Robert and that was why his death was probably the most ritualised of all.
Yet, and we mustn’t forget this, the rite of ‘the Killing of the King’ is historically a consensual sacrifice and looked upon as a reward for services rendered. More up is down stuff! It pays to keep an open mind.
Confused signals
The whole shooting match is designed to manage humans in so much confusion and turmoil that they literally do not know right from left. The left-brain, home of our conscious mind, is kept busy being intellectual, reasoning and analytical about illusions, lies and manufactured problems. It only sees the obvious – what is in front of its eyes – what the brain has been conditioned to accept as real. It sees a brick and thinks, ‘Ah! A brick,’ but does not notice the wall. Large doses of trauma, impossible explanations, conflicting information, and truth mixed with lies are set upon our conscious minds every day. So much so that many minds do not think, ‘ Ah, ha! A brick!’ They go into panic their minds screaming. ‘AAArrrggghhh! There’s a brick!’
Most of our speech functions are facilitated by our left-brain, as is the right side of our body. At the same time, the right brain, home of the unconscious (sub-conscious), which controls the left side of our bodies, is quarantined, dismissed or fragmented through a diet of lies, drugs and terror. This effectively guarantees that human beings will conform to whatever agenda is planned for them. The right brain is the realm of our intuition and imagination, the artist, the poet, the mystic and musician in all of us. It sees the bigger picture observing the wall not just the brick. Our conscious mind might observe, ‘Hey there’s a brick’, but the unconscious whispers, ‘No, it is much more, it is a flippin’ wall!’ At this point the conscious mind is supposed to say, ’Oh yeah! What’s that doing there?’ Then have a good look at it and find out what it is there for. Most people do not ask that and consequently do nothing about it. Both right and left-brain are easily conditioned by repetition, especially when an alternative is suppressed or denied. How crucial it is for those who control humanity to negate and confuse these faculties! The more disconnected people are then the more likely they are to dance around the dial to any nightmare tune played at them, and with their two left feet.
“The unconscious mind can process information at a more symbolic, metaphorical level than the conscious mind. While the conscious mind is occupied with rationally analysing the words and noticing their effects, it is the unconscious that is more concerned with subjective meanings. This is the basis for the multiple level nature of hypnotic communication – that is, using wording and phrasing of suggestions to appeal at one level to the clients conscious mind by matching its understanding and association of things, while simultaneously providing possibilities of new understandings to the unconscious mind.”


Continue to part 11

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